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10 Surprising Facts about Newborn Babies

10 Surprising Facts about Newborn Babies

From the way your baby recognises your voice, face, touch to their first smile, your baby will surprise you in a million tiny ways. In...

Helpful Tips on Managing Cluster Feeding in Babies

Helpful Tips on Managing Cluster Feed...

What is Cluster Feeding? Typically, newborns tend to nurse every 2-3 hours, which means that your newborn will nurse around 8-12 times in a 24-hour...

10 Skincare Habits Every Mom Should Follow

10 Skincare Habits Every Mom Should F...

Hey Mumma – we understand that your baby’s needs take priority. And that most days, you barely have time to look at yourself in the...

15 Necessary Self-Care Practices for Busy Moms

15 Necessary Self-Care Practices for ...

We understand, Mummas. Having a child of your own is all-consuming. But, taking time to care for your own needs isn’t selfish, it’s absolutely NECESSARY!

9 Self-care Ideas for New Moms

9 Self-care Ideas for New Moms

If you’re a new Mom, read the following words aloud and make sure to give yourself a little reminder every time you forget them -...

Tips to Help you Deal with Postpartum Hair Loss

Tips to Help you Deal with Postpartum...

Just like you experienced a range of physical changes during your pregnancy, postpartum too comes with its share of (interesting) bodily changes. One of these...

7 Winter Skin Care Tips for Busy Moms

7 Winter Skin Care Tips for Busy Moms

The cold winter air can strip your skin of natural moisture, leaving it dry, dull and flaky. That’s why you need to follow a good...

5 Common Breastfeeding Problems and How to Deal with Them

5 Common Breastfeeding Problems and H...

Just like with any other new experience, breastfeedingtoo can come with its share of challenges. If you’re facing a little trouble breastfeeding your newborn, don’t...

10 Cold-weather Dressing Tips for Busy Moms

10 Cold-weather Dressing Tips for Bus...

We get it, Moms. Dressing for the cold weather can be a bit more time-consuming. But it takes just a few simple steps to organize...

15 Simple Stress-Relieving Tips

15 Simple Stress-Relieving Tips

We understandMom! The hectic pace of life can often leave you feeling stressed, anxious and exhausted. The truth is that life isn’t going to slow...

8 Reasons why every Mom is a SUPERMOM

8 Reasons why every Mom is a SUPERMOM

In movies, superheroes have unmatched strength, powers and capabilities. But do you know who has that and much more in REAL LIFE? You guessed it.

5 Helpful Tips on Getting Back into Shape after Childbirth

5 Helpful Tips on Getting Back into S...

While the arrival of a new baby can turn your normal routine upside-down, it’s always important to take out some time to care of your...