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10 Skincare Habits Every Mom Should Follow

Hey Mumma – we understand that your baby’s needs take priority. And that most days, you barely have time to look at yourself in the mirror, let alone remember to take a shower. But sticking to a minimal yet healthy skincare routine is something you’ll thank yourself for later. So, we’ve put together a list of simple and easy to follow skincare tips for you, Moms.

1. Don’t skip cleansing your skin, 2x a day

Cleansing is one of the simplest and easiest things you can do to keep your skin clear and fresh. Morning & night - twice a day is all you need. Over cleansing can actually dry out your skin and make it work overtime to produce natural oils. Don’t keep changing cleansers – find one that works for you and try to stick with it.

2. Use sun protection, 365 days a year

We can’t overstate the importance of protecting your skin from sun damage! Not only does it protect your skin from short-term damage like sunburn and redness, but also helps prevent long-term damage like premature ageing, uneven skin tone, skin spots, hyperpigmentation and even lowers the risk of skin cancer.

Applying a safe sunblock lotion daily is one of the best skincare habits you can follow, Moms. Our lightweight & water-resistant SPF 30 Sunblock Lotion is specially designed from natural ingredients and zinc oxide to protect your skin from sun damage and perfect for both you AND your little ones! It even moisturizes your skin effectively to leave it soft, smooth and nourished.

Sunblock is also extremely crucial for pregnant women as your skin tends to be more sensitive during this time and prone to hyperpigmentation. Our broad-spectrum SPF30 Sunblock is made without any parabens or harmful chemicals and is perfectly safe for pregnant women and for babies too.

Click here to read 10 Things to Know about Softsens SPF30 Sunblock Lotion.

3. Find a gentle moisturizer that works on your skin all through the year

The one piece of advice that all skincare experts will consistently give you is to MOISTURIZE! Find a moisturizer that suits your skin well and use it at least twice a day to keep your skin supple and smooth.

Our Moisturizing Body Sorbet is the perfect lightweight moisturizer for Moms because it is packed with natural oils of almond & olive & wheat germ & mango butter that are rich in vitamins A, D & E, to help reduce skin damage, boost collagen formation and maintain an even skin tone. This non-greasy moisturizer gentle seeps (or rather, melts) into your skin to deeply hydrate & nourish skin, leaving it softer, smoother and healthier than ever. It is dermatologically tested and free from all harmful nasties like parabens making it the perfect skin care essential.

4. Protect your skin during pregnancy and after

Moms, your skin has been through a lot during pregnancy and even after. Stretch marks, hyperpigmentation or discoloration are all common skin changes that might take place during pregnancy. Update your new mom skin care routine post pregnancy to include products that help reduce skin damage and nourish your skin.

Our Softsens Skin Therapy Oil is a lightweight, non-greasy formulation that conditions skin and boosts skin elasticity to help reduce itchiness and improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks, uneven skin tone and premature ageing. It gently hydrates your skin from deep within to help prevent damage caused by stretching skin during pregnancy and is the one of the best skincare products for pregnant moms. It is dermatologically tested, vegan and free from all harmful nasties like parabens making it the perfect skin care essential.

5. Go to bed with a clean face that’s devoid of any makeup

We know – you probably don’t have time to apply makeup either. But, on the rare chance that you do apply makeup, make sure you wipe it off thoroughly before going to sleep to prevent clogged pores and any unwanted acne breakouts. And here’s another skincare tip for you, Mom! Baby wet wipes are the BEST makeup remover out there! (you probably have tons of those lying around) So, simply wipe off any makeup or grime with your trusty baby wipes before bedtime, and follow it up with your cleansing & moisturizing routine.

6. Pamper yourselves every chance you get

Pampering yourself doesn’t always mean a long bubble bath or day at the spa. It could also mean a few more hours of sleep while someone takes care of the baby. Getting enough sleep is hugely beneficial for your skin. So, make sure you sneak in some ZZ’s whenever you can.

7. Pack in those fruits & veggies

Fruits and vegetables are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals that support healthy skin. A great way to get your daily nutrients is to start the day with a glass of green juice. Simply blend together some green leafy vegetables and fruits in your blender and drink up for beautiful, glowing skin. Here are some delicious green juice combinations to help you get started:
- Spinach + Pears + Ginger + Celery
- Kale + Celery + Apples + Cucumber
- Kale + Carrots + Apple + Lemon + Ginger

8. Exfoliating should be part of your Mommy skincare routine

Why is it important to exfoliate your skin? Regular exfoliation helps remove the dead skin cells that sit atop your skin clogging pores, and leaves your skin looking much healthier. Use a simple skin scrub to exfoliate your skin once a week and be careful not to rub too harshly as your skin is extremely delicate. Over exfoliating too can irritate your skin so make sure you limit it to once a week.

9. Stay hydrated, both on the inside and out

Our number 1 and most inexpensive skin care tip for you, Mom? Stay hydrated. Drink at least 4 liters of water daily and notice the difference it makes to your skin.

10. Love the skin you’re in!

Embrace your imperfections and love your skin – every bit of it! Follow a daily routine to care for, protect and nourish your skin, so that it feels and looks healthy.

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