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An Open Letter to My #WowMom

If babies could talk, we think we know exactly what they’d say. This Women’s Day, we’re celebrating all the wonderful, loving, warm, tough, brave Moms out there, with a love letter from your baby to you!

Dearest Mommy,

I know you don’t understand the things I say just yet.(After all, it’s mostly just cooing and gurgling.) But there’s so much I want to tell you. I want to tell you that I love you, that you’re my best friend and my guardian angel, and I’m so happy that I got you as my Mumma. I heard Nanaji tell someone that you were blessed to have a baby like me, but I think it’s the other way around, Ma.

I’m so lucky that I get to spend most of my day with you. You make everything fun. At first, bath-time used to be scary for me. But you washed away my fears with your soft touch and funny songs. You even know how to turn food into airplanes. You make me laugh so much. Want to know a secret? Falling asleep in your arms is the best feeling ever!

Mom, even though I’m little, I notice everything. I see how you always put everyone else first. Not just me, but Papa, grandpa, grandma and others too. You do everything with a smile on your face, even when I keep you up for most of the night (sorry) and you’re so sleepy! I can tell when you’re tired, and yet you play peek-a-boo with me for the thousandth time just to hear me laugh. I can see when you have a million things on your mind, but you still make me feel like I’m the only thing that matters.

I just want you to know that you’re amazing. Thank you for all that you do! I’m learning so much just by observing you every day. Want to know another secret? When I grow up, I want to be just like you- Strong, fearless, hardworking, kind, gentle and loving.

Everyone looks at me and says I’m growing up so fast. I know that means I won’t be a baby forever. But Mom, I will ALWAYS be your baby and you will always be my #WOWMOM

Love you to the moon and back! XOXO

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