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5 Things No One Ever Told You About Motherhood

5 Things No One Ever Told You About Motherhood

Your adorable tiny human will change your life forever!

If you’re about to have a baby, you’ve probably been told that Motherhood is a life-changer. In fact, you’ve probably been given more advice during these 9 months than you’ve heard all your life. But there are a few things that people don’t always mention about the nature of motherhood. Here’s our list of 5 things that you should definitely know before you become a Mom.

  1. 1. Breastfeeding isn’t always easy
    While breastfeeding is easy for some, it doesn’t always come easily and naturally to all new Moms. In a lot of cases, it can take time for both Mom and baby to find the right rhythm. It can also be painful and exhausting for a lot of moms. It’s important to remember that, that’s okay too! Every baby and every new Mom is different, so be patient, take the support and help of your family and medical professionals.
  2. 2. Your definition of ME-time will change drastically
    There’s no pretty way of saying this, so we’ll just be honest – you will have NO time to yourself anymore. Your little one will become the center of your universe. In between caring for the baby, doing a gazillion loads of laundry and (attempting to) care for yourself, you’ll find that 24 hours is simply not enough.
  3. 3. Your body will change
    Don’t forget that you just gave life to a tiny being. Of course, your body isn’t going to be the same anymore. Don’t stress about shedding your post-baby weight. Wait until you are ready and begin exercising when you feel comfortable.
  4. 4. Your relationship with your partner experiences some changes
    Although having a baby together is a beautiful experience, it can lead to some strain in your relationship. Making joint decisions for your baby, splitting the work evenly and the general exhaustion of parenthood can cause a bit of friction. This again, is normal for most couples in the very beginning.
  5. 5. Be prepared for the unpredictable
    A huge part of becoming a Mom is learning to give up control and to go with the flow. No two days will ever be the same. Your baby’s sleeping and feeding habits can also change from week to week. Every day will be filled with new discoveries and learnings. All you can do is simply be the best you can and hang in there. It’s going to be a fun ride! 😊

Let us know in comments below, what were the things you realized about motherhood only after you started experiencing it!

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