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All Things Mommy


5 Heartwarming Reasons to Consider Adopting a Baby

5 Heartwarming Reasons to Consider Adopting a Baby

“All children need is a little help, a little hope and someone who believes in them!
- Magic Johnson

Should we adopt a baby? Are we ready for this? Is adoption the right thing to do for us and our family? Do these questions often come in your mind? Read along to get some much needed help!

The greatest gift a child can receive is the love of a family. Sadly, there are millions of children around the world who are either orphaned or whose parents do not have the means to care for them. That’s one of the main reasons why adoption is such a wonderful idea for those who want to start or add to their family. Being a parent however, is a lifelong commitment and that’s why it’s important to know that you are making this decision for the all the right reasons. If you’ve considered adopting a child, here are some of the reasons why we think it’ll be one of the best decisions youmake:

  1. 1. You love children and can’t wait to open your heart and home to a child!
    You’re absolutely ready to start your own little family and open up your hearts to a little child that needs you. You know that parenthood is a life-changer. But you’re prepared for the adventure and you have a strong desire to give a child a loving family and home for the rest for their life!
  2. 2. India has over 20 million orphaned children
    In a country that is bursting at the seams, there are so many children simply waiting for a loving family to call their own. Through adoption, you can give such children a chance at the life they truly deserve. Adopting one child may not change the world, but for that one child, their world will change!
  3. 3. Parenthood requires LOVE, not DNA
    Oprah Winfrey famously quoted, “Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother”. A real parent is one who loves and supports their child unconditionally - whether the child is biological or adopted.
  4. 4. You can give a child the opportunity for a better future
    What children need more than anything is love, security, stability, kindness and time.Children who are supported and backed by a stable and loving family have a better chance of achieving their full potential and building a better future for themselves.
    Many people also adopt older children who have had a tough early childhood. These children may have been neglected or abused when they were younger and need extra-special love and attention.
  5. 5. You are single but ready to start a family
    Many people find themselves at a stage where they might not have yet found the right person to spend their lives with, but are more than ready to start a family. SushmitaSen is a live example of a single mother with two beautiful adopted daughters. So if you think you are ready for this beautiful and lifechanging commitment, both financially and mentally, then just go for it.

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