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In Conversation with a Mom-to-be

In Conversation with a Mom-to-be

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What’s it like to become a Mom for the very first time? Team Softsens spoke to a first-time Mom-to-be about the joys, excitement, and challenges experienced by an expecting Mother.

In Conversation with a Mom-to-be

Meet our Happy Mom-to-be: ZAHRA SETHNA
Age: 27. Estimated Due Date: 29TH MAY 2017

Q. What was your very first reaction when you found out you were expecting? Is there a cute backstory to how you found out?

Ans. I was stunned! When my husband and I saw the two lines on the stick, I was shocked. I turned to him and asked, “What now?” He replied, “Let's go to Starbucks and celebrate 😊”. And so that’s what we did. 😂😂

Q. What do you love most about being pregnant?

Ans. Random people being nice to you is the best feeling - that almost never happens otherwise.

Q. What’s the best advice you received from someone during your pregnancy?

Ans. The first thing my friend told me when I learnt I was pregnant was, “From now on everyone’s a gynecologist and doctor, so don't listen to every bit of advice you get”. And that's been very true - everyone's constantly giving advice and has something to say. I know they mean well so I respond with a smile. I’ve learnt to sort out the helpful advice from the not-so-helpful advice.

Q. Describe some of the daily challenges you face as an expecting Mom.

Ans. Fortunately, I’ve had a smooth pregnancy. I would say that turning in bed is my biggest and only challenge. The mood swings due to hormonal changes in the body can be quite difficult too. I think it’s important to surround yourself with positive and supportive people who keep you relaxed during this time.

Q. Do you have a birth plan? If so, can you share some details.

Ans. We don't have a rigid birth plan. We’ve spoken to our gynecologist and have decided to take it as it comes and let the doctor decide what's best.

Q. How do you keep yourself relaxed and positive during the more uncomfortable moments of pregnancy?

Ans. I talk to my husband about everything! He's really my best friend and is extremely supportive, helping me stay positive and calm.

Q. What kind of plans or arrangements have you made for the baby’s arrival?

Ans. Well, we've basically covered the essentials like buying basic baby essentials - a cot, a pram, some wraps and clothes. But that's pretty much it. The hospital bag will be packed any day now. And we still haven’t decided the baby's name. 😬

Q. Tell us something you learnt during your pregnancy that would be helpful to other first-time Moms.

Ans. Being positive really helps. Stop listening to random advice. Ask your doctor whatever you need to know and don't consult google all the time 😊. And don’t forget to enjoy the journey – it’s a truly special experience.

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  • Kavana

    Yea successful breastfeeding is a rewarding and oberwhelming expérience!!
    When my baby went into nipple confusion.I was totally broken and my heart was in vain… I thought i failed as a mother.. I dint give up and at the earliest i cud get rid of nipple confusion to baby and their I succeeded…
    Its a heart to heart connection