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All Things Mommy


10 Secrets of Super-organized Moms

10 Secrets of Super-organized Moms

What are your secrets to staying organized?

As a parent, sometimes even 24 hours doesn’t seem enough time to do everything on your list. You’re overworked, exhausted, stressed and absolutely convinced that any mother who doesn’t feel the same way has either magical powers or a 24/7 nanny/housekeeper. And you’re probably sick of hearing people telling you to “prioritize” or “delegate”! (Geez - as if it were that simple) But what if we told you that there are a couple of things you could do to make your life a little more organized and a little less stressful! Here are 10 secrets from super-organized Moms that promise to help you become the coolest mom on the block.

1. Give yourself a head start

Waking up early might not be your idea of fun but as a Mom, it’s the best gift you can give yourself. Enjoy those early morning hours of peace & quiet before the kids wake up and the day truly begins. Catch up on chores, make your to-do lists, pack lunch boxes, have a cup of tea in silence and get breakfast ready. You’ll soon notice that those morning hours are your most productive hours of the day.

2. Plan meals

No mother has yet found a satisfactory answer to the question, “What do you kids want for dinner?” So do yourself a favour and plan mealtimes ahead and on your own. Make a list of 10-15 meals that your family loves and stick it on the fridge. Or plan your meal schedule once a week and shop for ingredients in advance based on what you will need.

3. Be a list-maker

Lists are particularly useful. Make lists for EVERYTHING. Or simply keep a small diary/planner with you at times to feed in schedules, appointments, activities etc. Check your planner every morning so that you don’t miss out on anything.

4. Designate a place for everything

The secret to keeping a neat home is great organization. Every once in a while, do a clutter-check and throw out anything that is old, outdated and that you are not using. Make sure there is a proper place for everything, be it baby care essentials, bags, toys, papers etc. Transparent containers for toys and even food are a great way to stay organized. If your kids are old enough, teach them to clear up after themselves and give them small tasks that they can complete.

5. Stock up the car

As the kids grow older, you will probably spend a lot of time in the car ferrying them up and down. Keep a few essential items in the car for easy access in such situations.

6. Shop online

We believe that online shopping was essentially created for parents. Shop online for baby products, school supplies, clothes and even groceries and save yourself a ton of time and effort.

7. Prepare the night before

If you have school-going kids, it always helps to prepare a couple of things the night before to avoid some of the chaos in the morning.

8. Carefully pack your handbag

A mother’s handbag is a treasure trove of amazing things. Pack your handbag for any and every kind of urgency.

9. Space out your chores

Don’t pick one day to catch up on all your chores. Space them out through the week so that you aren’t saddled with doing a massive pile of laundry or cleaning up the house over the weekend.

10. Make time for yourself

One of the keys to staying stress-free is to make some time for yourself. Everyone needs a break once in a while (although Moms really need it more than others). After all, when Mummy is happy, everyone’s happy.

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