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From softsens

Softsens Speaks

Why Organic Cotton is a Great Choice for your Baby!

Care for your baby’s skin with organic cotton.

Here’s a universal truth. When you find out you’re expecting a baby, one of your first few thoughts is about how you’re going to dress your little one. Right? Shopping for a baby is so much fun – whether you’re browsing through adorable little onesies, frilly dresses or cute sleepwear. But before you start putting together your future fashionista’s wardrobe, there are a couple of important things we thought you should know.

Organic VS Non-Organic Cotton

Regular, non-organic cotton is one of the most widely grown crops in the world.But it is also grown using large amounts of pesticides and chemicals which have a huge negative impact on us and our environment. Even though most pesticide residue is removed from cotton while processing, small amounts can remain and can have a harmful effect on skin.

Organic cotton, on the other hand, is cotton that is grown without the use of toxic pesticides and fertilizers that are normally used in the production of regular cotton. It is safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic, 100% plant-derived, more durable and feels much lighter on skin

Why pick organic cotton for your baby?

We all know that a baby’s skin is far more sensitive and delicate than an adult’s skin, thus making it more prone to infection and irritations. By choosing organic cotton, you are reducing your baby’s exposure to harmful and toxic substances, and protecting and caring for their gentle skin in a natural and environment-friendly manner. Here are some of the top reasons why organic cotton is best for your baby’s skin:

It’s free of chemicals and harmful substances

It’s hypoallergenic

It feels soft, light and airy on the skin

It is far more durable than non-organic cotton

It promotes a healthier environment for all

You’re also contributing towards a safer environment

We can all be environmental conservationists in our own little way, right?

Did you know that approximately 10% of the pesticides used on cotton crops actually accomplish their job and the rest end up in the air and water supply? As organic cotton is grown without the use of pesticides and chemicals, it is more environment-friendly. It promotes healthy livelihoods as farmers are not exposed to toxic chemicals in the field or through their food and water supply.

When you choose organic cotton, you are promoting healthy and safer farming practices and helping the fight against climate change, thus ultimately building a better world for your little ones!

Even though we’re organic cotton fans all the way, we’d love to have a discussion on this. Share your thoughts on the ‘organic cotton VS non-organic cotton’ debate and tell us about your own experiences in finding the right clothing materials for your little ones.

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