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Why I had to Switch to Formula and How I Made It Work

Why I had to Switch to Formula and How I Made It Work

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What happens when you have to switch to formula milk and it’s NOT necessarily your first choice? Find out about one Mom’s switch to formula and how she made it work for her, in this interesting interview.

Why I had to Switch to Formula and How I Made It Work

Meet Anisha Agrawal, amazing Mummy to a beautiful 11-month-old baby girl! Apart from being a fantastic Mom, she also blogs under the name MomzDiary to help other new Moms with information related to parenting and baby products. Below are some excerpts from our conversation with her.

Q. During your pregnancy, did you do a lot of research? What are some of the things you had planned beforehand for your baby?

Ans. Honestly, I didn’t do much research. My Mom and Mother-in-law guided me well and I also learned a lot of things at pre-natal classes. A few things I bought beforehand were clothes and some baby stuff so I could wash and sterilize them all well before use.

Q. Did you find out about the advantages of breastfeeding VS formula-feeding while you were pregnant?

Ans. I came across several such articles. Formula feeding was never a taboo for me but I definitely didn’t want my baby to be solely on Formula Milk.

Q. After your baby was born, what made you decide to switch to formula feeding?

Ans. A week after my daughter’s birth, I realized something was bothering her. She used to feed every half an hour and would still keep crying. I realized that I was not lactating enough. My doctor prescribed some medicines and foods. Despite trying all the medicines and various home remedies, my supply did not increase and slowly it became almost nil. So, I had to switch to complete Formula Feeding.

Q. Did your family’s support make a difference during this phase?

Ans. My family was very supportive during this time. They helped me in every possible manner and when nothing worked, they helped me in the bottle-feeding process and all the chores that come with it.

Q. What, according to you, are the pros and cons of formula feeding?



Keeps the baby's tummy filled for a longer duration.

One can easily feed in public places.

Anybody can feed the baby, giving Mommy some free time.

One can keep a check on the quantity of milk being fed to the baby.

Formula fed babies accept solid food comparatively faster.


Moms might feel the lack of personal touch.

Formula milk is expensive.

Preparation procedure is long.

Can cause colic issues.

Does not provide the same health benefits as breast milk.

Q. What were some of the formula feeding myths that got busted after you did it for your own baby?


That formula fed babies have low immunity and fall sick often.

When fed through bottles babies have permanent issues of cold and cough.

Formula fed babies have more colic issues then breast-fed babies.

Formula fed baby's brains develop at a slower pace. These are all just myths.

Q. Which brand of bottle and nipple did you choose for your baby and on what basis did you make your choice?

Ans. Earlier when I had to use less bottles, I used Glass bottle by Dr. Brown. Later when I had to use 8-9 bottles, I chose Chicco's plastic bottles and dispose of them every 2 months. They are easy to clean, light in weight and easy to carry.

Q. Any awesome tips/techniques on formula feeding that you picked up along the way?


Firstly, get your baby into the habit of having formula milk at room temperature, so that you don't have to warm it again and again.

Never compromise with hygiene. Always use boiled water at room temperature to prepare milk and dispose after 30-40 mins.

If the powder doesn't suit your baby, switch immediately.

Give all the essential vitamin syrups like Vitamin D, Iron and Calcium - get them prescribed by your doctor.

Q. What’s your advice to other Moms who also have trouble breastfeeding?

Ans. Try your level best to increase your milk supply but don’t stress yourself. Stress reduces the supply even further. If you are not able to do so, don’t worry and most of all - DON'T FEEL GUILTY. Your baby will not lack any essential nutrients and will definitely not love you any less because of this. FED IS BEST – be it Breastmilk or Formula Milk.

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