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Toddler and Child

7 Reasons why Music is Beneficial for Babies and Children

7 Reasons why Music is Beneficial for Babies and Children

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.”
- Plato

Music is a language everyone understands. It soothes, heals and makes us feel things that words alone cannot. So, it’s no surprise that introducing your child to music at a young age is extremely beneficial to his/her development. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why music is so important for babies and children.

1. It can strengthen your baby’s emotional and intellectual development
According to certain studies, babies can listen and respond to sounds around them even before they are born. Research suggests that listening to classical music while your baby is still in your womb can help establish and strengthen the neural pathways in their brain, leading to increased mental development. Music also invokes different emotions in your baby and helps them slowly feel and process their emotions. Time to turn on some Mozart and Beethoven and relax, Moms!

2. It can help you bond with your baby
Music can be comforting, soothing and fun for little babies. Singing bedtime songs, lullabies, clapping along to music or swaying to the beat together can be a great way for you to connect with your little baby and enjoy your time together.

3. It boosts creativity and self-expression
As your child grows older, learning how to play a musical instrument or even singing can help them unleash their creativity and give them a wonderful outlet to express themselves.

4. Listening to music can improve linguistic development
Experts have observed a positive co-relation between music and language development amongst young children. Research shows that it strengthens their learning process through introduction to new words and repetition.

5. It can enhance memory and motor skills
Scientists believe that music education is a great memory-boosting tool, especially when children are introduced to music right from the start. Music, with its various rhythms and timing, also helps improve motor skills in children.

6. It helps brighten their mood
There’s no therapy like music therapy. Whether you have a little baby or a growing child, music is always a great mood-enhancer for your little one.

7. It can build mathematical skills
We’re really hoping this one is true! Many researchers believe that children who are exposed to music at an early age have a greater grasp over mathematical concepts.

Do you know any other benefits of music for children? Share your advice and experiences with us.

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