Mosquitoes can be quite a nuisance, especially when you're trying to enjoy some peaceful outdoor time with your little baby. And it's not just their itchy bite that can make baby uncomfortable. Mosquitoes also carry harmful diseases like dengue, chikungunya and malaria. Protecting baby from mosquitoes is thus extremely important. However, since babies have extremely delicate skin, it's definitely not advisable to use mosquito repellents that are designed for adults.
So, how do you protect your delicate baby from pesky mosquito bites? We've got all the tips to help you keep baby safe no matter where you are. Let's take a look at 9 easy ways in which you can keep mosquitoes away from your baby.
Dress baby from top to toe in loose, lightweight clothing
Try and leave as little skin exposed as possible when dressing baby. Choose loose, lightweight clothing as mosquitoes tend to bite through tight clothing. Pro tip: pull baby's socks over the pant legs so that mosquitoes can't find their way in. Mosquitoes and other pests also seem to be attracted more to bright clothing and less to neutral colours. -
Cover strollers and cots with a breathable net
When outdoors, use a breathable mesh net to cover strollers and cribs. This creates a physical barrier that prevents mosquitoes from reaching your baby. Ensure the netting is safe for infants. -
Avoid taking baby out at peak mosquito times
Mosquitoes are most active during dawn, dusk, and following rainfall. To minimize itchy bites, plan outdoor adventures for the middle of the day when these pesky insects are less likely to be out for a meal. -
Look for a mosquito repellent that is safe for babies
While it is not recommended to apply any repellent to babies under the age of 2 months, you can start using a gentle, baby-safe mosquito repellent on baby's skin afterwards. A lot of mosquito repellent products contain DEET as an active ingredient, but this can be harsh on a baby's sensitive skin. We recommend using natural and DEET-FREE mosquito repellent products that can be used without any worries on baby's skin. The Softsens Natural Mosquito Repellent Range was designed specifically with this in mind. It has 3 natural, safe DEET-free mosquito repellent products. The mosquito repellent gel and spray provide protection from commonly transmitted diseases including malaria, dengue chikungunya, for up to 8 hours and the after-bite roll on helps to soothe itchy and inflamed skin. Add an extra layer of protection with our Natural Mosquito Repellent Fabric Roll-On that goes straight on baby’s clothing to keep mosquitoes away. All our formulas are DEET-free and enriched with botanical essential oils of eucalyptus, lemongrass, citronella & lavender that naturally repel mosquitoes bugs. Note: never apply mosquito repellent into a child's eyes, mouth or hands, or any cut or irritated skin. -
Avoid using any products with a strong fragrance on baby
While certain natural fragrances can repel mosquitoes, many products with strong fragrances can actually attract them. So, avoid using any heavily-fragranced products on yourself and especially on baby. -
Blue light filters: A new defense strategy
Studies have shown that certain mosquito species are attracted to blue light wavelengths. Consider using a stroller canopy or car seat shade equipped with a special blue-light filtering mesh. This mesh is designed to block specific blue light wavelengths that mosquitoes find attractive, potentially making your baby less visible to these pests. Blue-light filtering canopies should be used in conjunction with other mosquito prevention methods like loose clothing and safe repellents for optimal protection. -
Keep away from mosquito infested areas
While this may seem obvious, it is important to note. Stay away from mosquito breeding grounds such as forested areas, dense gardens, anywhere stagnant water collects or places where garbage is collected. -
Control mosquitoes inside and outside your home by keeping your surroundings clean
Keep mosquitoes away from your home by cleaning well, both inside and outside your home. Do not keep stagnant water lying around and check your surroundings to see if there are any places that water could possibly collect. Keep outdoor water storage containers covered. Clean and sanitize your home regularly. -
Harness the power of natural essential oils:
While not a replacement for other methods, some natural essential oils may offer a layer of protection. Some common mosquito repelling natural essential oils are citronella, lemongrass, eucalyptus, or lavender (always diluted and age-appropriate!). Never apply essential oils directly to your baby's skin. Consider placing a few drops of diluted oil on a cotton ball and placing it near your baby's stroller (not directly on them) in a breathable pouch. Better still, use our carefully-formulated natural mosquito repellents that are enriched with the power of natural essential oils to protect baby's skin.
By following these tips and creating a multi-layered defense strategy, you can significantly reduce your baby's exposure to mosquito bites. Remember, prevention is key! Stay informed about mosquito activity in your area and consult your pediatrician for personalized guidance. With a little planning and the right tools, you can ensure your little one enjoys the outdoors comfortably and safely. Happy exploring!