Planning a busy day well in advance can save you from chaos and any last-minute worries. The same strategy applies to planning your baby’s schedule as well. Caring for your little one is immensely gratifying but can also be immensely tiring. However, you can make this period less stressful by planning a schedule that’s built around your baby’s basic needs, some of which are as below.
- Feeding time
- Sleeping time
- Potty time
- Colic
- Boredom
Feeding time
In the initial month or two, feeding sessions take place almost every 2-3 hours. Each of these sessions lasts for 15-30 minutes on an average. This ensures that your baby is full and your milk supply is as per the demand. Track the time of each of the feed sessions initially.Once you and the baby are adjusted to this, feeding sessions will become fun and more predictable.
There! You have already completed the first step of planning your baby schedule.
Sleeping time
The next important thing for your baby’s growth is sleep, so ensure a proper sleep routine for your baby. Set up a calm and cool place for the baby to fall asleep easily. Of course, a baby’s sleep routine in the initial days is topsy-turvy and extremely hard to plan, but as time passes and your baby crosses the 2-month mark, he will soon start sleeping for around 4-5 hours at a stretch. This will give you the chance to slowly go back to your regular sleep routine as well. In the initial months, nap times will be very short, so try and plan your own routine and leisure-time keeping this in mind.
Potty Time
As a new mom, you are probably full of questions about your baby’s potty routine. How many times a day should your baby poop and how much is a normal amount? Don’t fret, moms. In the first month babies poop after every feed, which is around 12 times per day.Your newborn baby’s poop will be small yet very frequent. If your baby is eating more than he is pooping, you should consult your doctor regarding this. This frequency reduces in the next month and you will be able to start predicting their potty time.
Though one can’t plan for colic time in a baby’s schedule, you can look for some of the signs that trigger colic in babies. If your baby is crying inconsolably even after checking off all their needs, don’t panic. This phase is quite common. Speak to your pediatrician regarding this so that he/she can suggest ways in which you can help your colicky baby. Click here to know more about some of the reasons why your baby could be crying.
This is absolutely normal. Just as adults get bored, so do babies. Try to entertain them by making them listen to various sounds, rhymes or by playing your favourite music. Give your little one a daily massage and do some simply baby stretches. Play simple games like ‘peek-a-boo’ to keep your baby entertained.
These are some of the pointersaround which a baby’s schedule can be designed. Before you start planning, know that every baby is unique and what works best for one may not work for another. Plan a routine that suits both you and your baby. As your little one grows older, planning this schedule will also become easier.