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10 Ways to make Bath-time Fun & Relaxing for your Baby!

10 Ways to make Bath-time Fun & Relaxing for your Baby!

While some babies take to bath-time like a duck to water, some refuse to be bathed without screaming, crying and resisting all the way through. Of course, this is a new experience and sensation for your baby and hence also requires some getting used to. But in the meantime, here are some tips you can follow to help make bath-time a little more fun and relaxing for your baby.

1. Keep them snug and warm
As this is a fairly new experience, you need to make sure your baby feels safe and secure. Before taking them into the bathroom, undress them and wrap them in a snug towel and hold them close. Once in the bathroom, you can slowly unwrap the towel and lower them into the warm water to help ease the transition.

2. Check if the water is getting cold
In many cases, your baby might not enjoy bath-time simply because they feel too cold. Here’s a couple of ways you can avoid this. Always check the temperature of the water first. It should ideally be around 37 degrees Celsius, i.e. not too hot and not too cold. If you can tell that your baby is visibly cold, then you can adjust the temperature a little. Baby’s skin is extremely sensitive and can easily get scalded with very hot water. Sometimes, if bath-time takes too long, the water tends to become cooler. That’s why it’s important to make bath-time quick when your baby is younger.

3. Keep talking to them in a calm and soothing voice
Your baby can acutely sense your feelings and emotions and they often react accordingly. If you sound hassled or agitated, they can sense it and it may give them reason to get upset too. We know that bath-time can be stressful, but try your best to stay calm and focused throughout. Keep talking to your baby in a soft, soothing voice and stay relaxed. They will slowly begin to mirror your behaviour.

4. Take it one step at a time
Your baby can acutely sense your feelings and emotions and they often react accordingly. If you sound hassled or agitated, they can sense it and it may give them reason to get upset too. We know that bath-time can be stressful, but try your best to stay calm and focused throughout. Keep talking to your baby in a soft, soothing voice and stay relaxed. They will slowly begin to mirror your behaviour.

5. Enlist the help of some toys
For slightly older babies, toys can be a great way to add fun to bath-time. Round up the ducks, boats and other floating toys and let your baby play with them before bath-time for a bit. Then slowly move them to the bathroom and continue play-time there. A lot of babies even like to play with plastic cups in the bath, by filling, emptying and refilling them. Just ensure that they do not drink it by accident.

6. Use a washcloth for their face and scalp
Pouring water directly on your baby’s scalp or face can be uncomfortable for many babies. Instead, clean their face and scalp with a wet washcloth so that your baby doesn’t get startled by the water.

7. Lighten the mood with bath-time music
Look up bath-time songs for your baby and play them on your mobile phone while you bathe your little one. Or simply sing them on your own. Music can be very relaxing and therapeutic for your baby.

8. A‘tear-free’ formula for a tear-free bath
Ensure that your bath-time products have a tear-free formulation that will prevent any irritation to your baby’s eyes and skin. Both Softsens Baby Shampoo and Softsens Baby Bodywash are enriched with an ultra-mild ‘tear-free’ formulation for a safe and happy bath! Moreover, all Softsens baby products are Hypoallergenic, made with natural plant based ingredients and are tested in Europeand on par with international standards of safety, making it perfect for use on babies.

9. If nothing else works, try using a different bath-time support
There are a variety of bathtub seats, pillows and mats available in the market that can make bath-time a lot easier for you and your baby. Figure out what would make your baby most comfortable and try a new tactic..

10. Don’t forget to snuggle after bath-time
Let your baby associate bath-time and the moments after with sweet and happy thoughts. Give them a nice massage with Softsens Baby Lotion after a bath and then spend some time cuddling before putting them to sleep.

How do you get your baby to relax during bath-time? Share your favourite tips below.

For more bath-time tips, check out our other blog article – How to Bathe your Newborn Baby: 101

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